The following information is an extract from the 'Enrolment letter of introduction'. 'Thank you for considering James Sheahan Catholic High School to further your child’s educational needs. Making a choice of high school is an important and often difficult one. We encourage you to think very carefully about this choice.

At James Sheahan we aim to create an educational community that is based on the Gospel values of courage, belonging, compassion and hope, lived in an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. We have high hopes for, and high expectations of, our students.

We want all students to participate fully in the many opportunities that are offered so that they get the most out of their time here. James Sheahan students are justifiably proud of their school. Your child’s enrolment will not be confirmed until a completed Application for Enrolment form together with required documents are held by us and a successful interview is completed.

By returning the enrolment application to the school together with the required documents, you are acknowledging that, if accepted, you and your child are willing to participate fully in the life of James Sheahan Catholic High School and support us in promoting the correct wearing of uniform and adherence to school rules. All prospective students and their parents/carers will be interviewed by a member of the school executive. Confirmation of enrolment is subject to a satisfactory interview, submission of all the required documentation listed and any other information you may wish to supply. If you require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. 

Peter Meers, Principal.

Download Forms

Schools Tours  - Week 4 and Week 8 of each term (Bookings Essential - via school office)

Catholic Faith Handbook

The following are forms to be completed for your application to be considered.


 Order / Pricelist - Uniform Information
 Junior Year 7 - 10  Boys and Girls 
 Senior Year 11 - 12 Boys and Girls 


When lodging the enrolment application, you will need to supply the following documents for your child:

  • Birth Certificate - ORIGINAL. A copy will be taken and retained by the school.
  • Copies of your child’s last 2 academic reports
  • Copy of last NAPLAN results
  • School Fees Office Parent Agreement form (4 page)
  • Enrolment Agreement form
  • Counselling Services form
  • Immunisation History Statement 
  • If Applicable - Original Visa or citizenship documentation if not born in Australia.
  • If Applicable - Original current Family Court Orders - A copy will be retained by the school.
    Applications will only be accepted when lodged with ALL relevant documents.


Monsignor James Sheahan Bursary Application

The bursary is primarily aimed at families intending to enroll their child or children at a Catholic school but who feel it might be unaffordable due to financial concerns, or those already enrolled who are facing financial hardship and may be questioning if they can afford to continue with a Catholic education.

Download Application